About Us

TKI Architecture & Consulting GmbH is a specialized and awarded Design Institute focusing on healthcare facilities, hospitals and medical research centres based in Germany, Stuttgart.

Selected Awards
  • 2018 — Highlights of Architectural Hospital Design
  • 2016 — Mother and Children Hospital, Zhuhai/China, International Competition 2nd Prize
  • 2014 — Fifth Xiang Ya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha City / China, International competition 3rd prize
  • 2013 — Surgical Tower National Excellent Prize
  • 2012 — Southwest Medical Healthcare City, Lu Zhou/China, International competition 1st prize
  • 2010 — Tongji Hospital Outpatient Building, Wuhan City/China, International competition 1st prize

International prizes & competitions

2018 – Highlights of Architectural Hospi tal Design 2018

2016 – Mother and Childer Hospital, Zhuhai /China, International competition 2nd prize

2014 – Fif th Xiang Ya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha City / China, International competition 3rd prize

2013 – Surgical Tower National Excellent Prize

2012 – Southwest Medical Healthcare City, Lu Zhou/China, International competition 1st prize

2010 – Tongji Hospital Outpatient Building, Wuhan City/China, International competition 1st prize

2008 – 3rd Prize of Domestic Excellent Hospital, Dongguan Kanghua/China

2008 – Olympic Games Beijing, Beijing/China, International competition 3rd prize

2007 – 2nd Prize of Excellent Project in Guangdong Province

2006 – Excellent Project in Donguan city

2006 – Teaching Hospital of Tongji, Wuhan/China, International competition 1st prize

2006 – Guanggu Hospital, Wuhan/China, International competition 1st prize

2006 – German Jordanian University, Wuhan/China, International competition 1st prize

2005 – Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing/China, International competition 4th prize

2004 – Paulienpark Ambulance Center, Stuttgart /Germany, Competition 1st prize

2001 – SIG Pack Systems AG, Beringen/Switzerland, International competition 1st prize

1980 – Al Rashid University, /Switzerland, International competition 1st prize



  • International Case Studies – „State of art“ healthcare complexes , 2018 Chendu, China
  • 49th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors
  • Asian Development Bank, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany
  • International Symposium, International Hospital Design of Future, Shanghai, 2012
  • International Forum „One World – One Medicine“, Singapore, December 2011
  • International Hospital Design, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, November 2011
  • Lecture Program of Arab-German Chamber of Industry of Commerce (AHK): „Hospital Design – from Conceptual to Final Design“ Cairo, Egypt, June 2010
  • International Symposium „Excellent Design of Healthcare Architecture“ Beijing, May 2010